The Exclusive VIP Home Buyer Program
"The Exclusive VIP Home Buyer Program"
We offer a FREE unique home-hunting service designed to make the home-hunting process both easier and less time-consuming. Many find the traditional home-buying process very frustrating because it's usually the agent who selects which homes you will view, but with our FREE Buyer Profile program, it's you, the buyer, who decides which homes you will take the time to view.
Here's how our FREE home hunting service works: each night our Buyer Profile computer searches the main real estate database for all homes (not just our own listings) that match your exact requirements (style of house, square footage, lot size, location, etc.), and then automatically downloads these listings which we then email, mail or fax to you. Each week you receive this free information, enabling you to beat out other buyers to hot new listings.
If you would like to receive regular updates of new listings that match your homebuying criteria simply email and we will be happy to assist you.
FREE computerized list of available properties in YOUR specific price range and AREA!!
Call or email Today and ask for the FREE List of Properties.
Just leave your specific price range and Neighborhood in your message.
Elite Real Estate and Financial